
Finddiscountedattractiontickets,tourswithuniqueexperiences,andmore!Joinlocaldaytourstovisitspectacularsightsandgoondeliciousfoodtrips ...Activities,tours,attractionsand...·Japan·Thailand·SouthKorea,TaipeiZooisverylarge,goingthroughitallinonevisitishardwork;also,therearemanyanimalshere,tryingtoseeeveryexhibitionin ...,評分4.5(3,243)Itisoneofthebetterzoosintheworldandveryvastandextensive.Entranc...

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Taipei Zoo is very large, going through it all in one visit is hard work; also, there are many animals here, trying to see every exhibition in ...

Taipei Zoo

評分 4.5 (3,243) It is one of the better zoos in the world and very vast and extensive. Entrance fee is a token TWD100 for visitors and TWD60 for locals. So, it gets lots of ...

Taipei zoo review and species list [Taipei Zoo]

Although there isn't much species I was impressed here and there is no lifetick, the exhibit for the animal is quite good, and was well suit for ...

Taipei Zoo Taipei Zoo Review

There are no shows, no flashy theming or standout exhibits. But the animals looked healthy and the enclosures are well designed and maintained.

Taipei Zoo, Taipei | Book Tickets & Tours - 2025

One of the largest zoos in Asia, Taipei Zoo—also known as Muzha Zoo—features a wide variety of animals from around the world and those that are native to Taiwan ...

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